The Grapsidae: From Sea to Shore

Sally Lightfoot, Grapsus grapsus, photographed by Victor Burolla. The vernacular name refers to their walking on the points of their legs.

In a post from back in 2008, I wrote about the group of crabs known as the Grapsoidea. As described in that post, the classification of the Grapsoidea has been shuffled in recent years, and the subjects of today's post, the Grapsidae, would have previously been classed as the Grapsinae within a larger Grapsidae. The more restricted Grapsidae has been supported by numerous recent analyses, both morphological (Karasawa & Kato 2001) and molecular (Schubart et al. 2000). Morphologically, grapsids are united by having an expanded anterolateral corner to the merus* of the third maxilliped, oblique ridges on the lateral surfaces of the meri of the pereiopods, and (in many species) oblique ridges on the dorsum of the carapace (Karasawa & Kato 2001). Studies of the larvae of grapsids have also identified distinctive characters by which grapsid larvae can be distinguished from those of other grapsoids (Cuesta & Schubart 1999).

*The merus is the first elongate segment of crustacean appendages, corresponding to the femur of other arthropods. The maxillipeds are feeding appendages; the pereiopods are the walking legs.

The Columbus crab Planes major, photographed by Denis Riek. This species comes in a wide range of colours, from brown to blue to almost white; the page linked to shows a number of examples.

Most grapsids are intertidal shore-dwellers, but there are some exceptions. Species of the genus Planes, known as Columbus crabs, are small oceanic forms. They live on objects floating in the open water: seaweed, driftwood and other debris, or even other animals such as by-the-wind sailors or turtles (Spivak & Bas 1999). Columbus crabs differ from other grapsids in having flattened pereiopod meri for swimming, and two of the three species lack oblique ridges on the carapace. The aforementioned phylogenetic analyses also agree in placing Planes as the sister group to other grapsids analysed.

Geograpsus grayi, from here.

Also distinctive are species of the genus Geograpsus, which are one of a number of crab groups to have developed a terrestrial lifestyle, found on islands of the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic. In the Indo-Pacific G. crinipes, it has been shown that dense bunches of setae between the second and third walking legs are long enough to contact the ground when the animal sits back on its haunches (McLay & Ryan 1990). Water on the surface of the ground is drawn up through the setae by capillary action and conducted into the gill chamber, keeping the gills damp and functioning. Terrestrial Geograpsus retain marine larvae as do many other terrestrial crabs; the larval development has been studied for the eastern Pacific G. lividus which goes through nine larval stages (eight zoeae and the megalopa) over the period of two months (Cuesta et al. 2011). This happens to be the longest developmental pathway of any known crab: the previous confirmed maximum was eight larval stages.


Cuesta, J. A., G. Guerao, C. D. Schubart & K. Anger. 2011. Morphology and growth of the larval stages of Geograpsus lividus (Crustacea, Brachyura), with the descriptions of new larval characters for the Grapsidae and an undescribed setation pattern in extended developments. Acta Zoologica 92 (3): 225-240.

Cuesta, J. A., & C. D. Schubart. 1999. First zoeal stages of Geograpsus lividus and Goniopsis pulchra from Panama confirm consistent larval characters for the subfamily Grapsinae (Crustacea: Brachyura: Grapsidae). Ophelia 51 (3): 163-176.

Karasawa, H., & H. Kato. 2001. The systematic status of the genus Miosesarma Karasawa, 1989 with a phylogenetic analysis within the family Grapsidae and a review of fossil records (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura). Paleontological Research 5 (4): 259-275.

McLay, C. L., & P. A. Ryan. 1990. The terrestrial crabs Sesarma (Sesarmops) impressum and Geograpsus crinipes (Brachyura, Grapsidae, Sesarminae) recorded from the Fiji Is. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 20 (1): 107-118.

Schubart, C. D., J. A. Cuesta, R. Diesel & D. L. Felder. 2000. Molecular phylogeny, taxonomy, and evolution of nonmarine lineages within the American grapsoid crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 15 (2): 179-190.

Spivak, E. D., & C. C. Bas. 1999. First finding of the pelagic crab Planes marinus (Decapoda: Grapsidae) in the southwestern Atlantic. Journal of Crustacean Biology 19 (1): 72-76.


  1. Allowing that "terrestrial" is somewhat vague, something like how many times has terrestriality arisen independently in arthropods?

  2. Well, we can start with the three major points: arachnids, myriapods and hexapods (assuming, as seems most likely these days, that myriapods and hexapods became independently terrestrial). Then for crustaceans, there's at least one fully terrestrial lineage among isopods, one among amphipods, and (I think) one among ostracods. I think that there may also be one genus of crab that has managed to break the aquatic larva requirement. So that would be seven cases of full terrestriality with no aquatic stage in the life cycle. After that, when you allow for things such as most terrestrial crabs that are still aquatic for most of the life cycle: I'm not sure. Off the top of my head I can think of at least two for crabs (at least two separate grapsoid lineages) and once for hermit crabs (in the Coenobitidae, including the coconut crab).

    Of course, many crustaceans being littoral in habitat, you have the same problems with defining 'terrestrial' that you get with littoral gastropods. Is something that lives in the splash zone terrestrial or aquatic? There are probably soil-dwelling crustaceans that one might also debate their 'terrestriality' given that they technically live within a water film (I suspect that the aforementioned ostracods might be one of those). And there's always the special case of the pentastomids, which are 'terrestrial' in as much as their hosts are terrestrial.


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