Hairy-Winged Barklice

Forewing and fore tibia of Siniamphipsocus fusconervosus, from Mockford (2003). Scale bar for the femur = 0.1 mm.

For my next semi-random post, I drew Siniamphipsocus, a genus of more than twenty species of barklice known from eastern Asia. Most of these species were described by China by the almost ludicrously prolific psocopterologist Li Fasheng who over the course of his career has described close to 1000 psocopteran species—nearly a fifth of the world's barklouse fauna. It should be noted, though, that this productivity has not entirely come without criticism: for instance, in the case of the Siniamphipsocus species, most if not all are known from a single sex with some described from males and others from females (Li 2002).

Siniamphipsocus is a genus of the Amphipsocidae, a family of barklice most easily recognised by their wings which have a double row of setae along each of the veins. Amphipsocids can be relatively large as barklice go: the largest Siniamphipsocus species, S. aureus, has a body length of four millimetres, with the forewings being up to 6.75 millimetres long. Features distinguishing Siniamphipsocus from other amphipsocids include the absence of the brush of hairs present at the base of the hind wing in many other species, the absence of a spur vein in the rear of the forewing pterostigma, and the presence of a row of minute spines along the fore femur (Li 2002). Distinguishing the individual species of the genus requires fine attention to details such the patterns of markings on the face, the proportions of the wing veins, and details of the genitalia.


Li F. 2002. Psocoptera of China (2 vols). Science Press: Beijing.

Mockford, E. L. 2003. New species and records of Psocoptera from the Kuril Islands. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 50 (2): 191–230.

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