The newest thing meme-wise is to try and find if there are any search queries on Google for which your site comes up as the first entry. So I've just hopped onto Google Webmasters, which gives me a list of Google searches that have returned my site and the rank it got in the search. I also tried running the search through Google myself to see exactly what it was bringing up (it was a little obscure in some places). Apparently yours truly is a world leader on the web when it comes to:
- another word for trachea
- giant bird lice
- legs of bristletails
- parasitic red algae snail
- Morris Buddenbrockia (with another page as result no. 2)
- crane fly's toxicity
- insect diversity and distribution
- ugly eels, or fish ugly eel
- marine tube worms leaving thier shells (Google as spell-check), or little tubes
- "blog action day" bird Australia
- doing job properly
- Cetferungulata
And most importantly:
- green frog sex (In fact, "frog sex" is apparently by far the most commonly used search term that returns the Catalogue. I have often wondered what on earth is so fascinating to people about frog sex, but I'm too scared of what I might discover to find out). The same page is entry No. 1 for catalogue sex lack, which is a little sad.
The Abel Prize 2025: Masaki Kashiwara
2 days ago in Doc Madhattan
Nice; that's a much longer list than I've seen elsewhere. I would join in on this but my new blog hasn't been around for long enough yet and I don't think I can claim anything as interesting as what you've got here.
ReplyDeleteI did manage to get to it with "Amphicyon is hunting Brian Switek". You have been warned.
ReplyDeleteHappy Hallowmeme from The Other 95!