Recently I obtained a pile of duplicate reprints from the museum library, and I've since been entering them into my Endnote. Unfortunately, one of the reprints doesn't have the journal volume number and pagination, and I haven't been able to find them online. Does anyone out there have the details for:
Ride, W. D. L., & A. J. Cain. 1961. On the transfer of the name Anas punctata Burchell from the Hottentot teal to the Maccoa duck by the S.A.O.S. List Committee. Ostrich.
In the meantime, enjoy this sweet little video courtesy of The Other 95%:
Update (13/12/2007): A massive thank you to Darren Naish who finally supplied me with the answer:
Ride, W. D. L., & A. J. Cain. 1961. On the transfer of the name Anas punctata Burchell from the Hottentot teal to the Maccoa duck by the S.A.O.S. list committee. The Ostrich 32: 91-92.
He even gave me the reference for a follow-up paper:
Winterbottom, J. M. 1961. Transfer of the name Anas punctata Burchell from the Hottentot teal to the Maccoa duck. The Ostrich 32: 134-135.
Now I am content.
I've moved to Substack. Come join me there.
3 weeks ago in Genomics, Medicine, and Pseudoscience
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